SKA cosmo sims

Square Kilometre Array

cosmological simulations focus group

You can find here different data products. The data is temporarily stored in a server located in the Center for Computational Astrophysics in New York.

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Name: BAO simulations for SKA1-MID

Authors: David Alonso, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro and Matteo Viel

Description: All-sky maps from z=0 to z=3. There are three different types of maps:

For each configuration there are 100 independent realizations.

References: 1609.00019, 1405.1751

Data: Link to simulations. Each simulation weights 2.1Gb. All simulations occupy 630Gb. Fits format. Write to David Alonso if you need a script to read it.

Name: SKA1-LOW lightcone

Authors: Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro

Description: This is a catalogue with positions, HI masses, redshifts, peculiar velocities of galaxies in a lightcone between between z=3 and z=6 covering an area of 28 square degrees. It has been created by running a simulation with 4500^3 (~100 billion) particles in a periodic box of 520 Mpc/h using the Pinocchio code.

References: Pinocchio

Data: Here. Single file of 43Gb. Format is binary and data can be read with this script.

Name: Predictions from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) semi-analytic models

Authors: Gabriella De Lucia, Lizhi Xie, Anna Zoldan, Michaela Hirschmann, Fabio Fontanot

Description: GAEA is a state-of-the-art semi-analytic model that accounts for the non-instantaneous recycling of gas, energy and metals, and that include an updated feedback scheme based partly on results from hydrodynamical simulations, as well as an explicit partition of the cold gas in its molecular and atomic components. We can provide both light-cones based on the Millennium Simulation and predictions corresponding to simulation boxes at different results. We can also provide predictions based on the Millennium II (higher resolution), and high-resolution zoom-in simulations of galaxy clusters.

References: 1611.09372, 1610.02042, 1512.04531

Data: Here. Lightcone up to z=0.45 with positions, velocities, HI masses, stellar masses, sizes, redshifts..etc. ~28 Gb in hdf5 format.

Name: T-RECS

Authors: Anna Bonaldi

Description: The Tiered Radio Extragalactic Continuum Simulation (T-RECS) is a simulation of the radio sky in continuum, over the 150 MH-20 GHz range, useful for simulating observations and predicting results from deep radio surveys with existing and forthcoming radio facilities, such as the Square Kilometre Array. T-RECS models two main populations of radio galaxies: Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and Star-Forming Galaxies (SFGs), and corresponding sub-populations, following Bonato et al. (2017). Our model also includes polarised emission over the full frequency range, which has been characterised statistically for each population using the available in- formation (e.g., Hales et al. 2014; Galluzzi et al. 2018; Sun & Reich 2012a). We model the clustering properties in terms of probability distributions of hosting halo masses, and use lightcones extracted from a high-resolution cosmological simulation to determine the positions of haloes. This limits the sky area for the simulations including clustering to a 25 deg^2 field of view. See the paper for more information, and the comparison of our luminosity functions, number counts in total intensity and polarization, and clustering properties with the most recent compilation of data. We deliver two set of catalogues: “deep” (one square degree field, 1.4 GHz flux limit of 1 nJy) and “medium” (25 square degrees, 1.4 GHz flux limit of 10 nJy). “Wide” catalogues (400 square degrees, 1.4 GHz flux limit of 100 nJy, no clustering) is in progress.


Data: Here


Authors: Jose M. Diego

Description: Large volume cosmological simulation (6 Gpc/h)^3. We have DM halo catalogs, radio catalogs at 1.4 GHz and LRG catalogs. We also have all sky maps of the ISW effect drawn from the same simulation as well as lensing distortions scaled to a background at z=1100 (i.e CMB) but could be re-scaled to other redshifts.

References: 1307.1712


Name: Manchester IM pipeline

Authors: Stuart Harper, Clive Dickinson

Description: End-to-end simulation pipeline for any single-dish radio telescope (e.g. SKA-MID). We are currently working a paper (Harper et al.) to estimate how 1/f noise affects the recovery of the cosmological HI signal for an SKA-MID type survey. Full timeline generation - pointing models, scan strategies, thermal noise, 1/f noise, atmosphere, foreground and cosmological signals. Systematics (in development) - 1/f noise and gain variations, miscalibration, standing waves... Data Analysis - Map-Making, component separation, power spectrum estimation, Likelihood parameter estimation.

References: 1711.07843


Name: skalens Pipeline

Authors: Anna Bonaldi, Ian Harrison

Description: Catalogue-level simulations of SKA-MID continuum observations, originally done for weak lensing. Choose survey parameters (area, depth, observing frequency, PSF size from weighting), get a catalogue of detected sources with observed properties (size, flux, redshift, ellipticity), and the measured shear power spectra from these sources. Input: source population (currently SKADS+rescalings), SKA1-MID sensitivity curves (from Robert Braun), noise distributions for observed ellipticity (from Tomek Kacprzak), simple Kolmogorov model for ionospheric contribution to PSF size.

References: 1601.03948



Authors: Mikolaj Borzyszkowski, Daniele Bertacca, Cristiano Porciani

Description: 125 full-sky mocks for z<0.6 including all linear relativistic effects. The galaxy density in redshift space corresponds to a (conservative) flux limit of 23 \mu Jy [n(z) and linear bias from Yahya et al. 2015 from which we derive both the evolution and the magnification bias]. These mocks address the very large scales and do not resolve single galaxies. Only the gridded density field is available. This set of simulations is particularly useful to compute error bars and covariance matrices. The LIGER method takes a Newtonian simulation as an input and, after selecting an observer, outputs the distribution of galaxies in ‘comoving redshift space’ (i.e. as it would be inferred by applying the background metric to the observed galaxy properties). The algorithm combines the original snapshots of the simulation at constant background time to produce the galaxy distribution on the perturbed light cone. This is achieved by using a coordinate transformation that includes local terms and contributions that are integrated along the line of sight. LIGER is completely general and can be applied to the output of any N-body or hydro code.

References: 1703.03407



Authors: Simon Mutch, Laura Wolz

Description: Meraxes is a state-of-the-art semi-analytic galaxy formation model specifically designed to self-consistently couple high-z galaxy growth and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). This is achieved by modelling galaxy formation using traditional semi-analytic techniques, whilst simultaneously filtering the simulation volume using the 21cmFAST (Mesinger et al. 2011) excursion set formalism. Meraxes has been shown to reproduce the observed z=7–2 galaxy stellar mass function, quasar UV luminosity function, Thompson scattering optical depth, and ionizing emissivity constraints. Published versions of the model do not include galactic HI predictions, however, we have unpublished versions which do provide this information. The biggest simulation (Tiamat-125HR) is a 125/h Mpc on-a-side box with 164 snapshots between z=35 and 2 and an N-body particle mass of 1.3e8/h Msol. We also have higher res box (Tiamat) which is 67.8/h Mpc on-a-side with the same snapshot strategy but a particle mass of 2.6e6/h Msol.



Name: CHPC MeerKAT lightcones

Authors: Catherine Cress

Description: At the CHPC, we have constructed lightcones with FOV matched to a single MeerKAT pointing. We use hydrosimulations of Romeel Dave and include HI and continuum from star formation.



Name: JPL IM simulation toolkit

Authors: Phil Bull, Daniel Lenz; Hao-Yi Wu; Alex Merson; Tzu-Ching Chang; Olivier Doré

Description: Suite of several IM-friendly simulation methods, all of which are currently works in progress (but reasonably close to being fit for consumption):



Name: Updated Millennium I and II simulations and the Phoenix simulation

Authors: Xuelei Chen, Qi Guo, Yidong Xu, Bin Yue

Description: We have several Semi-analytical models (SAM) available for SKA study. The Millennium I simulation was used by Obreschkow et al(2009) to construct the virtual sky for SKA, the simulation here is however based on a modified version, which employs an semi-analytical model which improved treatment of supernovae feedback, satellite gas stripping, and better model of galaxy angular momentum and size. The Millennium II simulation has a smaller box (100 Mpc/h instead of 500 Mpc/h) but higher mass resolution (6.8e6 Msun/h instead of 8.6e8 Msun/h), and also have corresponding SAM. The Phoenix simulation is a simulation of 9 individual rich clusters and their surroundings.



Name: Hydrodynamic simulations for SKA1-LOW

Authors: Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Matteo Viel

Description: Set of snapshots from hydrodynamic simulation with different values of Omega_m, Omega_b, Omega_nu, h, n_s, s_8, m_WDM...etc, Hydro sims run using Gadget-III with cooling, heating, star formation, supernova feedback...etc. HI self-shielding and presence of H2 accounted for. State-of-the-art modeling of the Lya forest. Redshift range: z ~ 2 - 6 Box size: 15-100 Mpc/h Mass resolution: ~1e6-1e8 Msun/h

References: 1502.06961, 1507.05102
