Square Kilometre Array
cosmological simulations focus group
Here you can find codes that perform different calculations.
Name: Simfast21
Authors: Mario Santos
Description: Code to generate simulations of the high-redshift Universe: Epoch of Reionization and Cosmic Dawn.
References: 0911.2219, 0708.2424
Code: Simfast21
Name: CoLoRe
Authors: David Alonso
Description: Code to generate fast full-sky lightcones using simple structure-formation schemes (e.g. 2LPT, lognormal) and bias models. These lightcones can be designed to contain an arbitrary number of tracers of the same matter distribution (e.g. continuum galaxies with shear, intensity mapping, CMB lensing and ISW). The code has been successfully used to generate LSST-sized simulations (z<3, 10 billion sources with shear), and can be coupled to existing software to simulate foreground maps and instrumental effects.
Code: CoLoRe
Authors: Mikolaj Borzyszkowski, Daniele Bertacca, Cristiano Porciani
Description: Code to generate full-sky mocks for z<0.6 including all linear relativistic effects.
References: 1703.03407